Lucky Break! A smuggler took me on as his pay-slut and I did such a good job on him he fell asleep with all his credentials open. I only took enough for the Beam and to repair the squat window when I get back home to InSilico.
The one good thing that has come from visiting Mars is decision that InSilico is home, where I am from now, where I belong. It's where I stand the best chance of surviving and making some type of normal life for myself that I can handle. Being chased by cyborg ninja's on the run from corporations is not for me. Stress overload.

The more people I meet, the more of them clones or cyborgs, I begin to see what Katha 6 was talking about when she said how unusual I am, my being a pure human with no modifications. I'm beginning to regret getting these tattoos done way back when it seemed like the coolest thing to do. Only a few more clients and I will afford to have them removed by laser op. At which time I will probably even get away with putting my tariff up.
I left a message for Betz Dagger in Reaktor club since Cyrgan was so insistent that pole dancing is a better career for me, I guess she is busy because I didn't get a reply, or it wasn't passed on. At least I'm off the drink and drugs now. Mars is sobering if nothing else. Sahara, the bar girl in Reaktor is alright, probably start hanging out here instead of Blue Ant if Gemini accept my application, which I still haven't finished.

And by chance I met up with some folk, an antiques dealer who frequently visits the bunkers of Earth, radioactive as it is, to retrieve items. I mentioned getting a book for Katha, which might appease her after what her 6th incarnation told me about what she wished she had done with her life. Something else to save up for, to work toward, to keep me going.
Cyrgan hasn't chased me, he's too busy involved with whatever has drawn him to Mars.
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