mecha & corpse
Slept late. Big fuck off mecha robot with cannons all over it patrolling the mall. I thought those things would be illegal here on the platform. Crept up a little closer than I should out of curiosity to hotwire it and it chased me. I slipped it, easy enough to do here where the electro-magnetic metal alloy infrastructure scrambles their sensors if you know where to hide properly, just how Cyrgan showed me, smart bastard saved my life again today.
So I went to Blue Ant, old habits die hard; and caught up with Kurren Wolff talking with another guy, Tobey. They both had to go someplace soon after I arrived, I think it's going to be like that with Wolff.
The womans body is still there in the back street. Nobody reported it, nobody wants to get involved. Nobody around here is legit so nobody wants to deal with the cops. A world full of nobodies and she's dead and she's the only somebody in my mind right now. She could be my future, or that of someone I know here. I seem to have left a string of dead friends and ex-partners behind me, its become a bit of a theme of my life. Unintentionally.
I should report it myself. Maybe it already has been and the cops don't give a shit.

Wolff says he overheard the bounty hunter last night mention something about a chip; I missed hearing that. Technology again, causing all the problems. Inhumanity of it. A big baddass machine like that mechs stomping about all over the precinct intimidating the shoppers and when a crime does happen, nobody cares about it anyway.
Okay I'm going to IPS and hope they don't ask for my credentials because I have none, I'm not even in their database as far as I know; although somehow my dan blueprint was recognised by the box Frankie had in Reaktor that night before I went to Mars. I wonder what happened about that, I'll have to ask him next time, if the person with the key ever turned up.
Not quite exactly sure what or how much I should tell them yet. Just that she's there, keep it simple.
Not quite exactly sure what or how much I should tell them yet. Just that she's there, keep it simple.
'Going to IPS' proves more difficult than imagining the concept. There is apparently no way to get in contact with them anyway. I am sure I had seen their station somewhere here in the city. I looked through the Transport map - no sign of it in there. It's little wonder that In Silico is so lawless, it's impossible to contact the cops to report a crime even if you want to.
It's another sign of reliance on technology corroding humanity.
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