Martian green 3
It took me a week before it all clicked into place. By then I was caught up in a whole load of different situations. Trying to get clean work at Fusion, hooking to get by, finding a dead girl, meeting Sahara, non-existence of IPS police...
Katha6, talking to me in a cheap food joint on Mars. Memories that haunt me. It was not normal conversation. I thought that was because with so many machine parts, she is a robot, the only meat parts of her are a cloned pretty face and psychopathic brain.
In normal conversation, there is ebb and flow, there are rules to it, rhythms, like with dancing with a partner, like with good sex when you get to the higher place without being used as a fuck bag.
In normal conversation, there is ebb and flow, there are rules to it, rhythms, like with dancing with a partner, like with good sex when you get to the higher place without being used as a fuck bag.
Katha6 was talking at me, to me; not with me. Depersonalised and, a download of information. At first I was shocked because I thought it was suicidal, I realise this now to be a human response to her telling me she was going to decommission herself. Its different for her, she upgrades to a new body, a form of immortality totally reliant on technology and protein reconstituted form her victims bodies to grow the live parts.

Information I can get killed for, thanks a bunch robot. They are not menial entities any more. Katha6 was training me. To be her prey. Giving me a chance to run, because she enjoys that. I am caught up in her game now.
As I began to become aware of this, the only sane decision left when I know a thing like this is going to kill me in the near future, I went out and got drunk in Reaktor. I tried to blank the horror out of my mind, pretend it isn't happening. To live some sort of normal life.
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