Martian Green

The boundaries, the differences, the blur, the blend.
As I walk around the street IRL I feel myself to be my SL sim. I feel how I want her to feel. I move like how she moves. This is subconscious, and having identified it, happily wilful. I am wearing clothes more of the styles she does. Is she my little doll, my practise self for who I am becoming? I reason that it is this way for all of us who use SL on a regular basis, for whatever purpose.
Plus there's the breathing issue. InSilico uses hydrogen-oxygen purification processors to power itself, to keep it 'hovering' afloat, thus the air there is really good quality. It makes a big difference. Here, I am spitting to get the grit out of my teeth and my throat stings, raspy and hoarse. There's not much to breathe on in this thin environment and out beyond the city energy shields it's supposedly even worse.
Between the scenes, the pre-story.
The shuttle arrived, we landed, I 'did one' (street speak) and ditched Katha and Cyrgan, entering alone the high-tech cowboy town style streets of Mars. My main goal; get enough money together for the beam back to InSilico orbital station, Earth. Mars is crap. Its a big dusty hostile environment full of aggression and hurt. Its atmosphere is dangerous. It will probably kill you. Now that the corporations have a jump gate between InSilico and Mars, it is probably going to seep back into Earth and kill everyone there too.
Asking a gang of hookers outside the brothel what prices they charge, I discovered that sex is cheaper than food here. And the food isn't much to speak of; Algae Burgers advertised by the slogan "shut up and eat it". It will take a lot of punting to get off world.

Can't afford a breather filter mask, but can bed with a miner who protected me from muggers on the next street from the brothel, in exchange for his spare. It's blocked but with a rattle it functions, barely. Same story for the miner but he was happy. Same probably for everything in this dry waste of a hateful bastard rock I have come to by accident.
In the next street is Katha who has parted from Cyrgan to come and find me. Says that she needs me. I don't trust that, it stinks of scheming. I asked Katha to buy me a meal. We sat in a streetside vendor and talked. Katha had a lot to offload and a lot of it is heavy going.
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