municipal darwinism

“It's not the past that defines us. It's the future pulling us to where we need to be. We just have to accept, whatever we are goijng through, is part of the journey to get us there. It is emotional healing that pulls us to where we need to be - we only block it by not opening up and releasing those feelings, to the right people. The right people. This is why we cannot trust machines, they have no real emotions.” Velcro on vodka.
I still couldn't sleep so I went for a walk and slept in the park.
Woke up deadly stone cold sober. At last. This is the detachment that Katha 6 was talking about, she called it psychosis, it's more like clarity. No not psychosis, that would involve an aberration of clarity, the dirty sex urge to go sideways instead of forward. This is cold and analytical. What I was trying for with all the vodka, and everything else I have been doing to myself mind, body and soul.
Katha 7 can find me here easily. It can probably find me anywhere I go. My hours are numbered. It might already be watching me. They have had time to generate a new one by now. I have to either move or leave the orbital platform altogether. If I sell some of this computer gear Cyrgan inherited from the previous tenant, sell it to the pawn shop, I probably got enough money to get so far.
Because of what Katha 6 told me, I might be regarded as a liability to the corporation, therefore sending Katha 7 to assassinate me is likely. Fucking Cyrgan getting me involved in all this shit. Katha is much cleverer than me and what K5 was doing psychopathically toying with me as its prey, K6 refined by making friends with me, teaching me, changing how I think and see the world. Involving me into its game, the rules and perimeters of its psychosis. And then telling me that. Telling me that it is a predator which requires the protein of its victims so as to upgrade itself.
I believe it does not kill at random. It is selective. I'm on its list.
Time to get out of town.
I believe it does not kill at random. It is selective. I'm on its list.
Time to get out of town.
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